Stress Responses To Massage Therapy

Stress can be described as the body’s reaction to stressors, which can disturb the body’s physiological equilibrium (homeostasis).

The psychogenic effects of massage involve the emotions, as experienced or expressed by the individual.

Massage has a very significant effect on the emotional state of the person and, in turn, on the emotional behaviour.
The cumulative effect of relaxation, originating in the muscles and extending to the whole person, is to create a change in the patient’s emotional state.
One primary transformation is that inner feelings of tension and anxiety are replaced by calmness and tranquillity.

As a result of these positive adjustments, other inner emotions such as depression and anger may also abate.
In turn, the emotional behavioural responses will become less severe or may disappear totally.

The outcome is a decrease in heart rate, lowering of blood pressure, improved breathing, enhanced circulation, improved digestion and so forth.
Muscles will also register this change, and relaxation becomes deeper & more permanent.

Trigger Point Therapy

trigger_point_therapyWhat is Myofascial Trigger Point Therapy?

Myofascial trigger points, also known as trigger points, are described as tight area deep within the muscle fibres, causing pain in other parts of the body.

For example, a trigger point in the back may cause pain in the neck area which  can also become a satellite trigger point, referring pain in the head.

Trigger Point Massage Therapy is designed to reduce the pain through a series of thumb pressure applied to the source area, followed by local tissue stretching and manipulation.
The client usually is active in this practice through deep breathing as well as helping us identify the exact location and source of the pain itself.
As a result of this type of massage, the pain should ease down, movement constrictions reduced, blood flow increase in that area, therefore the body could go through the process of repairing the damaged tissue.

Sports Massage Therapy

Sports Massage Therapy it’s a specific area deep tissue massage, based on each individual & the sport of choice, focusing on areas of the body that are overused and stressed from repetitive and often aggressive movements.

Sports massage can be used as a:

Pre-Event Massage

The purpose of the pre-event sports massage is preparation, before training or a sport event.
Our job is to get the muscles loose & warm, ready to fire up in the upcoming event or competition decreasing the risk of injuries and fatigue.
It typically last between 10 to 20 min and it’s performed on the day of the competition/sport event/training, usually 30 min. form the time the massage has ended.
Note: this type of massage is not focused on correcting dysfunctions or reduce stress, as these are the two primary goals of a typical Massage Therapy.

Post-Event Massage

The main purpose of the post-event sports massage is to help the athlete/sports person to recover from their high-intensity exercise after  training or a competition.
The key targets of this type of massage therapy are:

1) Improve the Circulation
2) Reduce Muscle Tension
3) Reduce the athlete stress level