Opening soon at the BMA Fitness Centre

phisio therapy clinicVery soon I will be opening a Physio therapy & Sports massage clinic in Clondalkin, at the BMA (Bushido Martial Arts) Fitness Centre located in the heart of Clondalkin Village, just off Watery Lane.

All members of the BMA Fitness Centre will avail a discount of 20% off the regular price.
To book an appointment you can give me a call/text on 087 608 11 88 or you can contact me through my Facebook Page


Muscular Dystrophy

Muscular distrophy refers to degeneration of individual muscle cells leading to progressive atrophy. Voluntary skeletal muscles are most affected by this condition, whereas vital involuntary ones like the diaphragm are spared.
Possible causes include inherited muscle-destroying disease, genetic defects, faulty metabolism of potassium, protein deficiency, and an inability of the body to use creatine. Orthodox treatment comprises muscles-strengthening exercises, surgical measures, braces and patient activity.

Massage Application:

  • Massage is indicted to increase the systemic circulation, especially as the condition becomes more debilitating.
    Nutritional supply to the tissue, together with the elimination of toxins, is also enhanced.
  • Massage is also carried out, in addition to exercise, in an effort to maintain muscle tone. The treatment is particularly indicated if flaccid paralysis is present.

Deep Tissue Massage For Fibrosis

Fibrosis is defined as an abnormal formation of fibrous tissue and usually occurs as a reparative process following tissue damage & inflammation.
The process can also be described as a reactive mechanism , for instance, as a result of repetitive strains to the tissue.
Because skeletal muscle cells are mostly unable to multiply by mitosis, any injury or degeneration of the muscle fibre will lead to replacement by fibrosis tissue composed mainly of collagen.
Once these changes take place they are practically irreversible, and the muscle loses its full elasticity and contractibility.
Fibrosis is common in postural muscles such as those of the back. This usually results from overuse or mechanical stress associated with postural patterns.

Massage Application:

Massage is indicated to prevent the onset of fibrosis. As already noted, fibrosis can develop in cases of muscle overuse and postural imbalances.
Massage is therefore used to improve the function of the muscles and to correct imbalances in the postural muscles.
Tightness in the muscles is reduced and by-products of muscle activity removed.
Effleurage and petrissage are used to increase the circulation and to loosen up adhesion’s within muscles.
Passive stretching is also applied to muscles to secure full extensibility.

In the early stages of fibrosis, massage is indicated in an attempt to arrest the tissue changes by improving the local circulation and by stretching.

In chronic fibrosis, massage is indicated to reduce the nodules that are also likely to be present. Deep friction or thumb effleurage are applied to stretch the fibres transversely. Bodywork techniques such as the NMT are also applicable. These are followed by passive stretching.

Massage for Hypertension

Hypertension refers to a raising of the blood pressure from its normal values of 115 (+-2) mmHg systolic and 75 (+- 10) mmHg diastolic.
Blood pressure is the force exerted by the blood on the walls of the arteries.
Hypertension can cause damage to the heart. This is largely because of the great effort required to push the blood against the resistance offered by the arterial’s pressure.

Severe hypertension can cause:

  • Severe headache
  • Confusion
  • Nausea
  • Visual disturbances
  • Seizure

Massage application:

Massage is applied to reduce the stress levels that are frequently implicated in this condition. Relaxation elicits a reduction in sympathetic activity and, therefore, a lower intensity of vaso-constriction in the arterial walls. The resistance to the flow of blood is thereby reduced.

Positional Release Massage Therapy

position releasePositional release it’s one of the techniques applied in massage therapy for treating tender points relieving pain & discomfort in the affected area.

Main goal of the therapy is to improve the health & functioning of the body by treating & correcting any imbalance in the muscuskeletal system.

Tender points, not to be confused with trigger points, are tender area in the muscle tissue, creating dysfunction & discomfort in the movement of the body.

The treatment consist in finding the affected area and putting the patient into a more comfortable position in order to reduce the pain & discomfort. At the same time, some thumb pressure is applied to that point in such a manner that the blood is flush in and out, helping with repairing the affected muscle fibers.

After the treatment, the patient might feel a bit sore in that area or in other areas that are completely unrelated to the treatment itself. This soreness should not be alarming as its just a natural healing process.

After that, as soon as the soreness fades away and the body heals, the patient should feel better, the range of motion will improve and the discomfort will be less & less over time.

Positional Release helps to reduce pain in the ligaments, tendons and muscles, decreases joint pain, helps with reflux, and helps with irritable bowel syndrome. This is achieved by decreasing muscles spasms, ligament and tendon tension, pain, swelling, joint hypo mobility, and increasing strength and circulation. Positional release is most effective for individuals whose pain is the result of a direct physical injury or dysfunction, for example Fibromyalgia.

Sciatica – Massage Therapy

What do you need to know about Sciatica!

Sciatica is manifesting through pain in the lower back, buttocks, going down the back of the leg, hamstrings,  and sometimes all the way down the leg to your feet and all this through the sciatic nerve coming from the lumbar section of your spine.

Sciatica it’s an underlying  medical condition caused by lumbar herniate disc, degenerative disc disease, spinal stenosis or muscle tightness in the lumbar area or buttocks.

Symptoms associate with Sciatica:

  1. Constant pain on one side of the buttocks or leg
  2. Pain sometimes its worse when sitting
  3. Pain in the leg, often described as burning sensation, tingling or searing
  4. Weakness, numbness & difficulty moving the leg or foot.
  5. Sharp pain in the leg or lower back, may be difficult to stand up or walkThis symptoms usually occurs when the sciatic nerve is irritated or compressed in the lumbar section of the spine, more exactly L3 – L5, or the piriformis muscle.

piriformis sciatic nerve

Physical Therapy and Exercise for Sciatica

Physical therapy massage & exercises incorporating, a combination of strengthening, stretching, and aerobic conditioning are a central component of almost any sciatica treatment plan.

When patients get a deep tissue massage & engage in a regular program of gentle exercises, they can recover more quickly from sciatica pain and are less likely to have future episodes of pain.